Perform sound and air pollution and vibration tests in the Atiq Jami Mosque

Health monitoring of the mosque of Isfahan, one of the most prominent historical heritage of Iranians

The mosque of Isfahan is one of the most prominent historical heritage of Iranians. Protecting this complex, which is considered to be the Museum of Iranian Architectural History, is of particular importance. In recent years, there has been a series of rebuilds like underpass construction near this historical site. Vehicle traffic near the site can produce and transmit vibrations to the structure of the mosque. Also, destructive factors such as noise and air pollution can affect the structure. To this end, according to UNESCO’s request, a set of health monitoring tests was carried out by the Health Monitoring Group of Koosheh Sazan Mana Company to determine the extent of the effect of these malicious factors. The results of these surveys, together with the suggestions, were submitted in written form to UNESCO and the Cultural Heritage Organization.

پایش سلامت سازه



Perform sound and air pollution and vibration tests in the Atiq Jami Mosque


Isfahan Cultural Heritage Organization


Jame Mosque of Isfahan


Structural Health Monitoring


Vibration analysis of the old mosque
